
Teleflora Free Online Coupon Codes, Discounts, Promo Codes & Deals January 2025

About Teleflora

Teleflora is a Los Angeles-based company that has been in business since 1934. It was originally called Telegraph Delivery Service when it was founded by Edwin Douglas. Since 1979, it has been privately owned by the Resnick family and concentrates on processing online orders. Teleflora works with a network of florists who own brick-and-mortar stores. These florists are located across the United States and Canada, as well as internationally, and provide customers with same-day and next-day delivery. Customers can also pick a delivery date ahead of time. When shopping at Teleflora, choices include flowers and plants that are designed to be birthday, sympathy, get well, and special occasion gifts. Some of the bouquets come in keepsakes like mugs and vases. Orders can be customized with the addition of chocolates, balloons, and stuffed animals.

Teleflora Free Online Coupon Codes, Discounts, Promo Codes & Deals January 2025

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